Screener Training Evaluation Thank you for completing the following evaluation for the Irlen Screener Training Course you recently completed. Your comments are valuable in ensuring our training is meeting the needs of participants.Date of Training: MM slash DD slash YYYY Name of Diagnostician/Trainer:Location of Training:Overall, how would you rate this Irlen Screener training? Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate the trainer's knowledge of the subject. Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate the organization of the presentation. Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate the presenter's enthusiasm. Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate the presenter's use of media equipment. Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate the presenter's rapport with participants. Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate your opportunity to participate. Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate the presenter's professionalism. Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate the goals/objectives of the course. Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate the quality of the content. Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate the thoroughness of the content. Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate the value of the course to your job. Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate the research resources provided. Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate the resource letters provided. Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate the resource articles provided. Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate the facility/meeting room. Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate the learning atmosphere (interest, fun, participation). Excellent Good Fair Poor Please feel free to elaborate on your reasons for rating any of the items above.How do you expect to use what you learned in this session in your job?What was of MOST value to you in this session?What was of LEAST value to you in this session?Any suggestions for improving this training session or additional comments?Today's Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Name (optional) First Last Δ