Key Research Findings
TBI, Headache and Migraine
Grandin, T. (2013). My experience with visual thinking and sensory oversensitivity: the need for research on sensory problems. In M.A. Just and K.A. Pelphrey (Eds.), Development and Brain Systems in Autism (pp. 3-12). New York, NY: Taylor & Frances.
Irlen, H. (2012). A sensory intervention for visual processing deficits using precision colored filters. Autism Science Digest: The Journal of AutismOne, 04, 94-102.
Dyslexia Overlapp and Co-Morbidity
Whiting, P., Robinson, G.L., & Parrot, C.F. (1994). Irlen coloured filters for reading: a six year follow up. Australian Journal of Remedial Education, 26, 13-19.
Lewine, J.D., Irlen, H.L., & Orrison, W.W. (1996). Visual evoked magnetic fields in Scotopic sensitivity syndrome. (Available from New Mexico Institute of Neuroimaging. The New Mexico Regional Field Medical Center: Albuquerque, NM).
Additional Research
Irlen, H., & Lass, M.J. (1989). Improving reading problems due to symptoms of Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome using Irlen lenses and overlays. Education, 30, 1-5.
Irlen, H., & Robinson, G.L. (1996). The effect of Irlen coloured filters on adult perception of workplace performance: a preliminary survey. Australian Journal of Remedial Education, 1, 7-17.
Irvine, J.H., & Irvine, E.W. (1997). Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome in a single individual (a case study). Report by the Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division, China Lake, CA, April 1997.
Jang, Y.G. (2013). Implementation of Virtual Colored Overlays in Mobile Devices for People with Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.13 No.4, April 2013.
Jang, Y. G. (2014). Mobile Colored Overlays for People with Visual Stress. International Journal of Multimedia & Ubiquitous Engineering, 9(6).
Jeanes, R., Busby, A., Martin, J., Lewis, E., Stevenson, N., Pointon, D., & Wilkins, A. (1997). Prolonged use of coloured overlays for classroom reading. Journal of Psychology, 88, 531-548.
Loew, S. J., Fernández Alba, M. E., & Watson, K. (2013). Incidence of Meares-Irlen/visual stress syndrome in reading and learning disorders: does fluorescent lighting in classrooms affect literacy and numeracy? Aula Abierta, 2013, 41 (3), pp. 23-32.
Loew, S.J., Marsh, N.V. & Watson, K (2014). Symptoms of Meares-Irlen/Visual Stress Syndrome in subjects diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 14(2), 87-92.
Loew, S. J., Rodríguez, C., Marsh, N. V., Jones, G. L., Núñez, J. C., & Watson, K. (2015). Levels of Visual Stress in Proficient Readers: Effects of Spectral Filtering of Fluorescent Lighting on Reading Discomfort. The Spanish journal of psychology, 18, E58.
Loew, S.J., & Watson, K. (2012). A prospective genetic marker of the visual perception disorder Meares–Irlen syndrome. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 114(3), 870-882.
Lopez, R., Yolton, R.L., Kohl, P., Smith, D.L. & Saxerud, M.H. (1994). Comparison of Irlen Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome test results to academic and visual performance data. Journal of the American Optometric Association, 65(10), 705-714.
Lovegrove, W. (1988). Preliminary results of the effects of the Irlen lenses on reading performance. Dyslexia Research Foundation Grant.
Mackova, Z., (1992). Irlenover Syndrom Skotopickej Senzitivity. Psychologica a Patopsychologica, 27, 259-263.
Martin, F., MacKenzie, B., Lovegrove, W., & McNicol, D. (1993). Irlen lenses and the treatment of specific reading disability. An evaluation of outcomes and processes. Australian Journal of Psychology, 45, 141-150.
Mears, O. (1980). Figure/ground, brightness, contrast & reading disabilities. Visible Language, 14, 13-29.
Minwook, C., Seung-Hyun, K., Joo-Young, K., and Yoonae, A. C. (2014). Specific visual symptoms and signs of meares-irlen syndrome in korean. Korean J. Ophthalmol. 28, 159–163. doi: 10.3341/kjo.2014.28.2.159
Northway, N., Manahilov, V., & Simpson, W. (2009) Coloured filters improve exclusion of perceptual noise in visually symptomatic dyslexics. Journal of Research in Reading, Volume 33, Issue 3, Pages 223-230.
Robinson, G.L. (1994). Coloured lenses and reading: a review of research into reading achievement, reading strategies and causal mechanisms. Australian Journal of Special Education, 18, 3-14.
Robinson, G.L. (1997). The ratio of males to females with literacy/learning disabilities. Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities, 2(3), 7-13.
Robinson, G.L. (2000). Irlen coloured filters and adults. Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities, 5(1), 15-23.
Robinson, G.L., & Conway, R.N.F. (2000). Irlen lenses and adults: a small scale study of reading speed, accuracy, comprehension and self-image. Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities, 5, 4-13.
Robinson, G.L., McGregor, N.R., Roberts, T.K., Dunstan, R.H., & Butt, H. (2001). A biochemical analysis of people with chronic fatigue who have Irlen syndrome: speculation concerning immune system dysfunction. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 93, 486-504.
Robinson, G.L., & Miles J. (1987). The use of coloured overlays to improve visual processing: A preliminary survey. The Exceptional Child, 34, 65-70.
Robinson, G.L., Roberts, T.K., McGregor, N.R., Dunstan, R.H., & Butt, H. (1999) . Understanding the causal mechanisms of visual processing problems: a possible biochemical basis for Irlen Syndrome? Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities, 4(4), 21-29.
Robinson, G.L., Roberts, T.K., McGregor, N.R., & Barbolini, G., (2000). A biochemical analysis of people with chronic fatigue who have Irlen syndrome. Paper presented to the 6th Irlen International Conference, Australia. 5-8 July 2000.
Robinson, G.L., & Whiting, P.R. (2003). The interpretation of emotion from facial expression for children with visual processing problems. Australasian Journal of Special Education, 27(2), 50-67.
Sparks, D.L., Robinson, G.L., Dunstan, H., & Roberts, T.K. (2003). Plasma cholesterol levels and Irlen Syndrome: preliminary study of 10- to 17-yr., old students. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 97, 745-752.
Sparkes, D.L., Robinson, G.L., Roberts, T.K., Dunstan, R.H. (2006). General Health and Associated Biochemistry in a Visual-Perceptual Subtype of Dyslexia. Learning Disabilities: New Research, Nova Science Pub., New York, 81-98.
Steiner, Fritz (2005). Schleudertrauma und visuelle Wahrnehmungsstorungen. Schleudertrauma-Info, S., 22-26.
Steiner, Fritz (2005). Die Irlen Methode zur Behandlung von Leseschwaeche. Interdisziplinaeres Lehrubuch zur Behandlung von Lern- und Leseschwierigkeiten, SZH/CSPS, Schweizerische Zentralstelle für Heillpaedagogik 2005, 193-215.
Stuart, R.J., Eckerling, G.B., McQuown, D.S., & Beebe, S.C. (1987, December 31). To the Editor. The New England Journal of Medicine, 31 (27).
Tosta, S., & Anderson, A. (2019, May). Precision-Tinted Spectral Filters Reduce TBI-Related Migraines and Visual Cortical Sensitivity. In BRAIN INJURY (Vol. 33, pp. 162-162). 2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OR14 4RN, OXON, ENGLAND: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD.
Tosta, S., Irlen, H., Lewine, J., & Annibali, J. (2014, May). Precision-tinted coloured filters: A successful intervention for medically resistant headaches and migraines after brain injury. In BRAIN INJURY (Vol. 28, No. 5-6, pp. 683-683). TELEPHONE HOUSE, 69-77 PAUL STREET, LONDON EC2A 4LQ, ENGLAND: INFORMA HEALTHCARE.
Tyrrell, R., Holland, K., Dennis, D., & Wilkins, A. (1995). Coloured overlays, visual discomfort, visual search and classroom reading. Research in Reading, 18, 10-23.
Whiting, P., & Robinson, G.L. (1988). Using Irlen coloured lenses for reading: A clinical study. Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 5, 7-10.
Whiting, P.R., & Robinson, G.L. (2001). The interpretation of emotion from facial expressions for children with a visual sub-type of dyslexia. Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities, 6,(4), 6-14.
Wilkins, A.J., Evans, B.J.W., Brown, J.A., Busby, A.E., Wingfield, A.E., Jeanes, R.J., & Bald, J. (1994). Double-masked placebo-controlled trial of precision spectral filters in children who use coloured overlays. Ophthalmological & Physiological Optics, 14, 365-370.
Wilkins, A., Sihra, N., & Smith, I.N. (2005). How precise do precision tints have to be and how many are necessary? Ophthalmic Physiol Opt., 25(3):269-76.
Williams, M.C., Littell, R.R., Reinoso, C. & Greve, K. (1994). Effect of wavelength on performance of attention-disordered and normal children on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. Neuropsychology, 8(2), 187-193.
Williams, M.C., May, J.G., Solman, R., & Zhou, H. (1994). The effects of spatial filtering and contrast reduction on visual search times in good and poor readers. Vision Research 35(2), 285-291.
International Publications
Steiner Fritz, HWS-Distorsion (Schleudertrauma)/Schädel-Hirn-Trauma und visuelle Wahrnehmungsstörungen, in Optometrie, Fachpublikation für Augenoptik, Offizielles Organ der Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung für Augenoptik und Optometrie e. V. (WVAO), Mainz, 2011/2
Steiner Fritz, Irlen Methode, in Urwyler Markus (Hrsg.),Schleudertrauma, Gefangen im Schmerz oder Beginn eines neuen Lebens?, Verlag Metacentre, Paulusdruckerei Fribourg, 2011
Steiner Fritz, Autismus Spektrum Störung und visuelle Wahrnehmungsstörungen, Möglichkeiten der Irlen Methode in – “autismus contact” Fachdokumentation von und für Eltern und Fachleute, autismus deuschte schweiz, Zürich, überarbeitete Fassung, 2014
Viviane Perrenoud, Autisme et problématique visuelle, quel soutien dans les activités scolaires?, Memoire professionnel présenté à UER pédagogie spécialisée de la HEP VD pour l‘optention du certificat du Cycle d‘étude Avencées en „Déficits visuels, 2011
Susanne Hottiger-Müller, Farbige Gläser verändern die Welt: IRLEN-Syndrom und Selbstkonzept, Akademiker Verlag, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-639-46915-8 (erhältlich im Buchhandel)
Neu! AUTISMUS DEUTSCHE SCHWEIZ – “autismus contact” Fachdokumentation von und für Eltern und Fachleute, 2014, überarbeitete Fassung
Hanspeter Michel, Optometrist, IRLEN Syndrom – eine visuelle Wahrnehmungsstörung, in Optometrie, Fachpublikation für Augenoptik, Offizielles Organ der Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung für Augenoptik und Optometrie e. V. (WVAO), Mainz, Optometrie 2/2014
Safra Doris, Der Struwwelpeter: Ein Reizüberflutungssyndrom, in Ophta, Schweizerische Fachzeitschrift für augenärztliche Medizin und Technologie, ophta • 3 / 2014
Hanspeter Michel, Optometrist, Eine visuelle Wahrnehmungsstörung, in Schweizer Optiker, Offizielles Organ des Schweizer Optikverbandes (SOV) und des Schweizerischen Berufsverbandes für Augenoptik und Optometrie, 9/2014, Luzern