It’s been exactly one month since we kicked off the first annual Irlen Syndrome Awareness Week (ISAW). ISAW was a huge success, raising awareness, excitement, and engagement with Irlen around the world. With the excitement of ISAW over, now what? What lies ahead for Irlen? What else is on the horizon to keep people excited and keep awareness growing? Fortunately, that’s an easy question to answer. We have a handful of new initiatives, new goals, and new exciting things to share.
Tweet Tweet Tweet
We’ll admit it, we were never huge fans of Twitter. We didn’t really understand why anyone other than Kim Kardashian would need Twitter, and we weren’t sure how using Twitter would help us disseminate the important message we have to share to the people who need to hear it most. We were wrong. Twitter turned out to be a wonderful source of information sharing during ISAW, andwe plan to continue tweeting our way through social media to share important information with you, not just about Irlen, but also about other things we think you want to know about (three cheers for the “retweet”!). So, if you have a Twitter account, don’t forget to find us @SeeIrlen and use the hashtag #Irlen when you tweet!
Overlay App
We know, we know, we’ve been promising this one for a while now, and we promise it’s really coming. In fact, it was almost finished when our developer disappeared and took all our hard work with him. But, have no fear, we promise that an overlay app for smartphones and tablets that makes Irlen colors available on these devices is just around the corner.
Overlay Skins For Computers
We know computer screens are a big issue too, and let’s face it, taping up your overlay to your screen is okay, but it’s not a great way to address the problem. We’re coming out with a line of overlay skins designed to stick onto your computer screen. Don’t worry, they’re completely removable.
Irlen Syndrome Foundation
Our biggest challenge has been finding a way to ensure that everyone who needs help for Irlen Syndrome is able to receive help. The newly branded nonprofit Irlen Syndrome Foundation (formerly the Learning Research Foundation) has taken on this important cause. As this nonprofit organization continues to grow it will become the main source of financial assistance for individuals who need Irlen services but can not afford them. The organization will also help fund research on Irlen Syndrome and expand awareness and outreach initiatives.
More Irlen Clinics
With over 170 Irlen clinics worldwide, there are a lot of places to receive help for Irlen Syndrome; however, we know there are still many places Irlen hasn’t reached. We’re looking to expand our network of trained Irlen practitioners to make sure there’s help for Irlen where you are – wherever that may be!
Helping Our Troops and Our Vets
We’re doing our best to expand our military and veteran services. Our partnership with the Semper Fi Fund has done wonderful things to help make Irlen services available to current and former members of armed forces, and a new partnership with Oakley will help this program continue to grow.
These are just a few of the exciting things on the horizon for Irlen. Stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, and through our bi-monthly newsletter to make sure you have all the latest and greatest updates and information. The future is bright and colorful, and we invite you to join us for the ride!