Irlen NDA Required NDA Email(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email This Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of the date entered below ("Effective Date")(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY by and between Perceptual Development Corporation, a California corporation ("Discloser") on the one hand, and the "Recipient" listed below on the other hand.(Required) First Last Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Agreement(Required)CONFIDENTIALITY AND NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT This Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into as of the date entered at the top of this form (“Effective Date”) by and between Perceptual Development Corporation, a California corporation (“Discloser”) on the one hand, and the “Recipient” listed above on the other hand. The Recipient of Irlen Screener Certification training hereby agrees to all the Authorizations and Restrictions listed on the back of the Certification and repeated herein: Authorizations The bearer of this Certificate is qualified to offer information to individuals and groups on Irlen® Syndrome and Irlen Filters®. The bearer of this Certificate may perform Irlen® screening and client advertisement. The bearer of this Certificate is authorized to provide Irlen® overlays and other Irlen® consumable products. Restrictions This Certificate is invalid after the expiration date, as indicated on the reverse side, unless renewed by obtaining Irlen® Recertification. The bearer of this Certificate is NOT AUTHORIZED to train others to screen or use Irlen® materials. The bearer of this Certificate is NOT AUTHORIZED to provide color for use as glasses or contact lenses. Only with PRIOR APPROVAL shall the bearer of this Certificate make presentations on the Irlen® Technology at national conferences or workshops or make national media appearances. When using Irlen® for materials, brochures, business cards, stationery, etc., the ® must be attached to “Irlen” whenever it is used in order to protect ownership. You may only use “Irlen® ” as part of your dba (doing business as) business name for a business that is only providing Irlen® services. It cannot be used as part of the name of a legal entity such as a corporation. Permission must be requested and received in writing to use “Irlen®” as part of a registered name. The bearer of this Certificate, when placing Irlen information on the Internet, will abide by the Irlen Institute’s Website/Internet Rules and Regulations. Any printed material or information regarding Irlen® Syndrome printed or placed on the internet/website shall retain the Irlen® copyright. The bearer of this Certificate shall not make available to the general public the specific diagnostic tool and technique used in the Irlen® process. Failure to abide by the rules and regulations of Irlen Institute is cause for revocation of the Irlen Screener Certificate. In addition, Recipient agrees to only use Irlen authorized overlays and materials with the Technology and not to use the Irlen technology in conjunction with any other method of color filter intervention for mitigation of Irlen Syndrome symptoms. I agree and understand that by typing my name below it represents an Electronic Signature, that all electronic signatures are the legal equivalent of my manual/handwritten signature and I consent to be legally bound to the confidentiality and nondisclosure agreement above.Electronic Signature(Required) First Last Δ