Self Test for Irlen Syndrome Want to know if you might have Irlen Syndrome? Take the self test and find out. Are you bothered by bright or artificial lighting (including fluorescents, LEDs, or sunlight)? Yes No Are you bothered by glare or hazy days? Yes No Are you bothered by bright computer screens or smartphones? Yes No Are you bothered by headlights driving at night? Yes No Are you bothered by reading on bright white paper? Yes No Does bright or fluorescent lighting ever make your eyes, head, or stomach hurt, or give you a migraine? Yes No Does bright or fluorescent lighting ever make you feel anxious, irritable, fidgety, or agitated? Yes No Does your performance deteriorate over time when working in environments with bright or fluorescent lighting? Yes No Does bright or fluorescent lighting make it more difficult to concentrate or pay attention? Yes No Does reading ever make your eyes, head, or stomach hurt? Yes No Do words ever get blurry or move on the page or screen when trying to read? Yes No Is reading more difficult on bright white or shiny pages? Yes No Is reading more difficult in bright or artificial lighting? Yes No Do you take frequent breaks when reading? Yes No Does reading get harder the longer you read? Yes No Let us know if we can contact you about your self-test results. We respect your privacy. By providing your email, you agree to receive a follow-up email from one of our Irlen experts regarding your self-test results and providing more information about Irlen Syndrome. Yes, I agree to receive a follow-up email from the Irlen Institute No To receive your score and a copy of your test so you can review your results later, enter your email address in the space provided.* Enter Email Confirm Email CAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ