Irlen Syndrome Awareness Week 2019 got information about Irlen Syndrome to hundreds-of-thousands of people. From October 14-18, 2019, Irlen supporters around the world shared their stories with anyone who would listen, in person, on social media, via events, seminars, radio shows, marches, and more. Social media posts from the Irlen Institute and Irlen Syndrome Foundation alone reached over 200,000 individuals, most of whom had never heard of Irlen Syndrome before.
Irlen Ambassadors in Chico, California, represented Irlen in the annual Festival of Lights parade, aglow in purple lights. Representatives from CLED in Ghana presented to educators and in classrooms across the country while wearing personalized ISAW t-shirts. Irlen representatives in Egypt, where they always go all out during awareness week, didn’t disappoint this year, hosting various events/seminars at the Great Cairo Library and Ain Shams University, while also recording a broadcast on Great Cairo Radio. Students from the College of Education at Kuwait University helped raise awareness with a huge informational and interactive display on campus.
Individuals created outstanding personal ways to share their own stories, including one Irlen client who had suffered a brain injury that resulted in his entire visual world shutting down, only to reopen with the discovery of Irlen Spectral Filters. This client created a video walking viewers through this experience (you can view it here). Other Irlen clients created special blog posts, t-shirts, and goody bags as a way to share their story and information about Irlen with those around them.
Retired NFL football player, Nick Bell, shared his personal experience with Irlen Spectral Filters, after repeated concussions left him suffering from chronic headaches, light sensitivity and a variety of other issues. See what he had to say in the video below:
Turn Out the Lights, as always, was a huge success, with participation from 23 countries around the world, and the entire public school systems in the states of Alabama and Mississippi. The governor of Alabama even officially proclaimed it Irlen Syndrome Awareness Week in the entire state of Alabama.
In case you missed any of the information or videos that were released during ISAW, we’ve included them all below. You can still share or re-post this information on your favorite social media, or share links with your favorite friends via email. Click on an image to enlarge.