Amidst a global pandemic and a looming US presidential election, Irlen Syndrome became the topic of conversation during the third week in October in 2020. This was the 7th annual Irlen Syndrome Awareness Week, an opportunity for Irlen sufferers, advocates, and professionals around the world to share information about Irlen Syndrome with the general public in an effort to raise awareness of this very common, yet little known, condition. While COVID19 changed the focus of ISAW from in-person events to an almost exclusively online endeavor, it didn’t stop the message from getting out to a broad audience.
From online workshops and seminars, radio and TV broadcasts, and live sessions on social media outlets like Instagram and Facebook, supporters from around the world helped get the word out. There were online workshops lead by professionals certified in the Irlen Method, student-written articles for local papers, television coverage by the BBC, personal blogs, and lots and lots of social media posts! If you posted, tweeted, blogged, wrote or interviewed about Irlen Syndrome during awareness, thank you! Together we reached more than 50,000 people during ISAW 2020, many of whom had never heard about Irlen Syndrome before. In case you missed them, below are links to a few of the various pieces that came out during ISAW to help raise awareness…it’s never too late to share!
Things Everyone Should Know About Irlen Syndrome
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My Irlen Story: They Said It Was All In My Head
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Research About Irlen Syndrome That Isn’t About Reading
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The Science of Color
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Optimize Your Brain Slide Show
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The Truth About Technology Use
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