Upcoming Training & Workshops
- United States, California: The Irlen Institute Headquarters will be hosting the following online Screener training classes in 2025: July 10/11, Nov 13/14. For information, contact irleninstitute@irlen.com or call 562-496-2550
- United States, California: Online Zoom Training: Susan Hughes will be hosting the following online Screener training classes in 2025: May 23/24/25 and Sept 19/20/21. Friday night, 4-7pm PT, Saturday and Sunday, 9am-5pm PT. Susan hosts private trainings for groups of 6-10. For information, contact Susan Hughes at 530-891-4783; shughes5@earthlink.net
- United States, Maryland: Online Zoom Screener Training: Shoshana will provide Screener training sessions on demand for groups of 3 or more and schedule individually for groups. Contact Shoshana Shamberg OTR/L, MS, FAOTA at Shoshana@aotss.com
- United States, Michigan: Online Zoom Screener Training: Contact Maria Dobbertien at 269-832-8224
- United States, Redmond/Salem, Oregon: Marcia Davis will be hosting the following online Screener Training Classes in 2025: April 28/29, June 23/24, October 27/28. Contact Marcia Davis for more information at positivelearning1@gmail.com, (503) 339-5839.
- United States, Texas/Austin: Laura Ward Woelfel will be hosting the following Screener training class in 2025: March 28/29, June 5/6, September 19/20, November 14/15. Both Online and In-Person Training are offered. For information contact: Laura Ward Woelfel, Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor, 512-426-6161, lauraward4irlen@gmail.com www.CentralTexasTherapyClinic.com
- United States, Texas/Kingwood/Crosby: Nancy hosts both in-person and Zoom training sessions, and a combination of both. Location will vary with the participants. For information, contact Nancy Gaudet, MEd, at 281-636-9610; ngaudet1@comcast.net
- Channel Islands: For information, contact Jean Felton at 01534-864543; jean.felton@icloud.com
- France: For information, contact Jean Felton at 01534-864543; jean.felton@icloud.com
- Malta: For information, contact Jean Felton at 01534-864543; jean.felton@icloud.com
- Switzerland, Irlen Screener Training, recognized by the Irlen Institute Long Beach USA in German language – Online Training – For more information call Fritz Steiner at 0041 79 692 02 64.
e-mail: fritz.steiner@irlen.ch, Language: German - Taiwan: For information contact Rei Kiyokawa, 886-968-588-348, irlentaiwan@gmail.com, https://www.facebook.com/IrlenTaiwan
- United Kingdom: For information, contact Jean Felton at 01534-864543; jean.felton@icloud.com
- Arizona: For information, contact Paula Abromovitz at 602.432.3818.
- Arizona: Tucson: Contact Jeannie Dunn at jeanniedunn01@gmail.com or 970-773-6530 for more information.
- California: Chico/Redding/Roseville/Sacramento: Susan Hughes will be hosting the following online Screener training classes in 2025: May 23/24/25 and Sept 19/20/21. Friday night, 4-7pm PT, Saturday and Sunday, 9am-5pm PT. For information, contact Susan Hughes at 530-891-4783; shughes5@earthlink.net
- California/Long Beach: For information, contact the irleninstitute@irlen.com or call 562-496-2550
- California / San Francisco Peninsula: For information, contact Sheryl Pliskin at 408-821-6551; spliskinmft@yahoo.com
- Canada/AB/Edmonton: Judy Pool and Sandra Woodard will be hosting the following in-person Screening Training in 2025: Friday, April 4 – Sunday, April 6. For information, contact Judy Pool or Sandra Woodard at 1-780-439-8120. reading@telus.net.
- Canada /ALB / Innisfail: For information, contact Nola Stigings at 403-896-0044; nola@irlenalberta.ca
- Canada/NS/Halifax: For information, contact Adel Francis at 613.291.1516; adelkfrancis@gmail.com
- Canada/ONT/Ottawa: For information, contact Adel Francis at 613.291.1516; adelkfrancis@gmail.com
- Canada/ONT/Toronto: For information, contact Adel Francis at 613.291.1516; adelkfrancis@gmail.com
- Channel Islands: For more information, contact Jean Felton at 01534-864543; jean.felton@icloud.com
- Colorado: Tara Mathes will be hosting the following in-person Screener training in 2025: May 1-3. For more information please contact Tara Mathes, MS, OT/L at (307) 760-2806 or taramathes@gmail.com.
- Colorado/Loveland: For more information, contact Bonnie Bartels at 515-556-5969; bonniebartels@mac.com
- Colorado/Golden: For information, contact Bonnie Bartels at 515-556-5969; bonniebartels@mac.com
- Colorado/Greeley: For information, contact Jeannie Dunn, EdD, at 970-773-6530; jeanniedunn01@gmail.com
- Colorado/Grand Junction: For information, contact Jeannie Dunn, EdD, at 970-773-6530; jeanniedunn01@gmail.com
- Connecticut: Contact Julie McDermott for more information at info@irlencenterct.com, or (860) 531-2930.
- Dubai: For information contact +97 156778 3020 / +97 14388 1169
- England/Bolton: Irlen Northwest will be hosting the following Screener Trainings in 2025: Thursday 10th & Friday 11th July and Thursday 18th & Friday 19th September. For information, contact Kath Kay office@irlennorthwest.co.uk or 01204 332357
- England/Cheltenham: For information, contact Stephanie Jamison at 01242-539810; sjamison@irlen-sw.com
- England/Isle of Man: For information, contact Linda McCaig at 0779-5037643; linda@irlenscotland.co.uk
- England/Bury: Dave Barrett will be hosting the following Irlen Screener Training in 2025: Day 1, Friday, 9th of May; Day 2, Friday, 16th of May. For more information please contact Dave Barrett, dave@naoclarity.com or 07880280357
- England/Kent: For information please contact Marie Smith at 07817 172 650; irlenkent@live.co.uk
- England/Leeds: For information, contact Debbie Marsh at 0113 2193653 p.marsh70@ntlworld.com
- England/Lincolnshire: For information, contact Linda McCaig at 0779-5037643; irlen-lincolnshire@hotmail.com
- England / London: For information, contact Alan Penn at www.alanpennirlenclinic.com
- Egypt: For information, contact Rasha Anwar at +201144447530; rwanwar57@gmail.com
- Europe: For information, contact Alan Penn at www.alanpennirlenclinic.com
- Florida: For information, contact Mary Conway at maryc4irlen@gmail.com
- France: For information, contact Jean Felton at 01534-864543; jean.felton@icloud.com
- Georgia: For information, contact Jeri LaVigne at: 678-886-5996 or jeri.lavigne@comcast.net
- Greece: For information, contact Evaggelos Bochatziar at 2610-433852; info@mpoxatziar.gr
- Guernsey: For information, contact Jean Felton at 01534-864543; jean.felton@icloud.com
- Hong Kong & Macau: For information, contact Tehnaz Ragi, MEd, at irlenhk@yahoo.com
- Idaho/Coeur d’ Alene: For information, contact Bonnie Bartels at 515-556-5969; bonniebartels@mac.com
- Illinois/Aurora: For more information, contact Pam Krasinski at 630-518-8250; pamelakrasinski@gmail.com
- India: For information, contact Tehnaz Ragi, MEd, at irlenindia@gmail.com
- Iowa/Des Moines: For information, contact Bonnie Bartels at 515-556-5969; bonniebartels@mac.com
- Israel/Jerusalem: For information, contact Shulamit Elad at 2-6792773; irlenisrael@gmail.com
- Israel/Beer-Sheva: For information, contact Neomi Lalazar at 972-52-2969142; info@flyfar.co.il
- Indonesia: For information. contact Nuraini Husni Putri at +62 8128192945; putriasilover@gmail.com
- Jordan: Please contact Saheer Shakshir at +962 6 5826270; saheersss@yahoo.com
- Jordan/Amman: Please contact Taline Najjar at +962795536220; talinenajjar@gmail.com
- Kansas/Wichita: Call for training at your site in Kansas for 5 or more participants. For information, contact Cathryn Hay, PhD, at 316-689-4233; chayphd@gmail.com
- Kuwait: For more information please contact Dr. Sameera Abdulwahab at dr_sameerah@hotmail.com or 25353101
- Malta: 2021 – Online Screener Training – For information, contact Jean Felton at 01534-864543; jean.felton@icloud.com
- Maryland/Baltimore: CEUs/PDUs: MSDE Educators, AOTA/MDOTA for OTs, MD Board of Social Workers in partnership with Erickson Institute. For information, contact Shoshana Shamberg OTR/L, MS, FAOTA, at 410-358-7269; shoshana@aotss.com; www.aotss.com
- Massachusetts/Boston: Irlen Screener Refresher Course – Please call Tracy Bowman at 781.396.3321. Training for new screeners or recertification – Earn 15 PDP for Two Day Intensive Irlen Course (through your State Dept of Education and/or other institutions). Dates could be changed or cancelled due to weather. Irlen Screener Recertification: Attend two day screener training OR take Irlen Online Recertification Program for Irlen Screeners. For information, contact Julie Sacchetti or Sherri Schultz at 781-396-3321; irlenboston@aol.com
- Mexico/Monterrey: For dates and information, contact Ana Lucila at 011521-811-324-4267 calling from the US; analucia@gmail.com
- Michigan: For information contact Maria Dobbertien at 269-832-8224
- Minnesota/Minneapolis: For information, contact Judy Palapala at 612-781-3232; judyp2colors@aol.com
- Montana: For information, contact Theresa Carlson at 206.883.6169; tcarlson.irlen@gmail.com
- New Mexico/Albuquerque: Call for training at your site in New Mexico for 5 or more participants. Please sign up at least 30 days prior to a training date to allow time for training materials to be ordered/received. For information, contact Rick and Cheryle Harbaugh at 505-268-4731; scotopic@aol.com
- New York/Elma: For information, contact Melissa Sawulak at 716-796-4183; msawulak1@gmail.com
- New Zealand/Auckland: For information, contact Sarah Bycroft National Director at 021 386 903; sarah@irlen.nz
- North Carolina/Charlotte: For information, contact Susan Youngman at 336-766-1487; ncirlen@triad.rr.com or Lori Balbuena at 704-516-7807; lori@questacademicsnc.com
- North Carolina/New Bern: For information, contact Susan Youngman at 336-766-1487; ncirlen@triad.rr.com or Lori Balbuena at 704-516-7807; lori@questacademicsnc.com
- North Carolina/Winston-Salem: (Forsyth Technical Community College). For information, contact Susan Youngman at 336-766-1487; ncirlen@triad.rr.com
- Ohio/Toledo: Other dates available on request. For information, contact Elaine Gutowitz at 419-841-9566; irlenclinic@bex.net
- Oklahoma/Oklahoma City: For information, contact Catherine Barnes at 502-264-7886; silvercirclesinc@gmail.com
- Oman: For information, contact Aisha Babood: 968 994 94695; baaboodaisha@gmail.com
- Oregon–Redmond/Salem/Portland: Online Zoom training and in-person available. Contact Marcia Davis for more information at positivelearning1@gmail.com, (503) 339-5839.
- Poland: For information, contact Alan Penn at 44-115-9733825; irlen@alanpenn.co.uk
- Scotland: For information, contact Linda McCaig at 0779-5037643; linda@irlenscotland.co.uk
- Slovenia: For information, contact Alan Penn at 44-115-9733825; irlen@alanpenn.co.uk
- Switzerland/Dornach near Basle: For more information call Fritz Steiner at 0041 79 692 02 64 or email: fritz.steiner@irlen.ch.
- Switzerland/ Yverdon les Bains: Trainer Fritz Steiner and Karin Schwarz. For more information contact Fritz Steiner at 0041-79-692-02-64; frtiz.steiner@irlen.ch. For more information call Fritz Steiner at 0041 79 692 02 64. e-mail: fritz.steiner@irlen.chFor more information call Fritz Steiner at 0041 79 692 02 64. e-mail: fritz.steiner@irlen.ch. Language: German
- Switzerland, Irlen Screener Training, recognized by the Irlen Institute Long Beach USA in German language – Online Training – For more information call Fritz Steiner at 0041 79 692 02 64.
e-mail: fritz.steiner@irlen.ch, Language: German - Taiwan: For information contact Rei Kiyokawa, 886-968-588-348, irlentaiwan@gmail.com, https://www.facebook.com/IrlenTaiwan
- Texas/Austin: Laura Ward Woelfel will be hosting the following Screener training class in 2025: March 28/29, June 5/6, September 19/20, November 14/15. Both Online and In-Person Training are offered. For information contact: Laura Ward Woelfel, Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor, 512-426-6161, lauraward4irlen@gmail.com www.CentralTexasTherapyClinic.com
- Texas/Kingwood/Crosby: Nancy hosts both in-person and Zoom training sessions, and a combination of both. Location will vary with the participants. For information, contact Nancy Gaudet, MEd, at 281-636-9610; ngaudet1@comcast.net
- Texas/Mansfield: For information, contact The Jones Center at 817-453-2400; contactus@jonesccta.com
- Texas/Waco: For information, contact Donna Greene at pdgreene@swbell.net
- UAE/Dubai: For information, contact Mona Ahmed Kazim at 9714-507-8000; mona.kazim@gmail.com
- Utah: For more information, email jeanniedunn01@gmail.com or call 970-773-6530.
- Washington/Renton: For information, contact Theresa Carlson at 206-883-6169; terry@irlenservicesnorthwest.
com - Washington / Spokane: For information, contact Theresa Carlson at 206.883.6169; terry@irlenservicesnorthwest.
com - Wyoming, Laramie: Please contact Tara Mathes, MS, OT/L for more information at (307) 760-2806 or taramathes@gmail.com.
- Wyoming, Sheridan: Please contact Tara Mathes, MS, OT/L for more information at (307) 760-2806 or taramathes@gmail.com.