Dave Asprey has spent the last 15 years seeking out ways to take control of and improve biochemistry, body, and mind so they work in unison. He calls it “Biohacking,” and he is always on the lookout for simple things that can help everyday people be better, feel better, and live better. He shares his secrets with the world through The Bulletproof Executive website, radio, and regular speaking engagements. Dave Asprey recently discovered what Irlen Spectral Filters could do for him, and he shared it with the world on his recent Bulletproof Radio Podcast. On this podcast, Helen talks about the Irlen Method and why the science of color transforms lives!
Click here to check out The Bulletproof Executive podcast with Dave Asprey and Helen Irlen
For more information about Dave Asprey and The Bulletproof Executive visit www.bulletproofexec.com