For students who regularly use colored overlays in the classroom to address visual stress and visual processing problems, there are often questions and anxiety about whether they will be allowed to use this assistive technology on state and ...Continue reading
Anxiety in the Classroom
Anxiety is a pervasive issue for many children. Since the pandemic, anxiety rates have nearly doubled [1] leaving students with impaired ability to learn, participate, and interact with others in the educational environment. While anxiety is a normal ...Continue reading
Visual Sensory Sensitivities and Autism Spectrum Disorder
Visual sensory sensitivities are a common sensory issue in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). They may experience hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity to certain visual stimuli, such as bright lights, flashing lights, or patterns. These ...Continue reading
Neurodiversity: Embracing uniqueness and a range of normal
Every person's brain is different, just like their fingerprint. And, since every brain is unique, it's only fitting to accept that not all brains will respond exactly the same way to the same stimuli, event, or activity. The term neurodiversity ...Continue reading
Autism – More Than Meets the Eye
Autism and Visual Sensory Overload The world can be a chaotic and overwhelming place for individuals on the autism spectrum. They can be sensitive to their environments and have unusually delicate sensory systems (i.e., sight, hearing, touch, ...Continue reading
Optimize Your Workspace
I Bet You Didn’t Know the Research About Irlen Syndrome Says This!
Amazing Research Findings from the Last 10 Years There's been a lot of really interesting research about Irlen Syndrome and the use of color as an intervention conducted over the last ten years. Here are some amazing research findings you might not ...Continue reading
Classroom Accommodations for Visual Processing Issues
Visual processing problems are related to issues with how the brain processes visual information. There are several different types of challenges associated with visual processing disorders, including visual discrimination issues, visual ...Continue reading
This Common Barrier to Learning is Often Overlooked
Irlen Syndrome is more common than either heart disease or asthma but is often overlooked as the possible cause of the learning challenges many children face. This visual processing problem causes a variety of symptoms from visual distortions that ...Continue reading
The Best Hidden Feature On Your Mobile Device
I BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW YOUR PHONE COULD DO THIS Our phones and tablets can do almost anything. At the touch of a button, we can video chat with friends in a different country, we can watch our favorite movies, play our favorite games, conduct ...Continue reading