Attention deficit disorders are running rampant among today’s youth (at least according to the media). Children who can’t seem to sit still, have trouble focusing and concentrating, and who are easily distracted are being labeled and given medication left and right. Yet, for as many as 50% the prescribed ADHD medication doesn’t … Continue reading
Irlen International Conference 2015 Unveils Cutting-Edge Research
The 12th Irlen International Conference has just come to a close, and boy, did we learn a lot! Helen Irlen kicked off the five day event in Houston, Texas with two days of master training for Irlen Diagnosticians from around the world. Updating them on the latest diagnostic protocols and … Continue reading
The Irlen Method vs. Other Types of Color Interventions
Not all colors are created equal. This is a simple statement, but very true when it comes to what makes Irlen Spectral Filters and Colored Overlays different from other available colored glasses and overlays. Irlen® is the original creator of color treatments for perceptual processing difficulties, and the Irlen Method is … Continue reading